
June 06, 2005

x86ネイティブのOS X、コードネームは「Lion」?

 New York Timesも「Apple Plans to Switch From I.B.M. to Intel for Chips」(閲覧には無償登録が必要)というだめ押し的記事を発表し、これでAppleのIntel採用はもはや9割方確実な話に思える。

For years, according to industry analysts, the work for Apple has been barely a break-even business for I.B.M. When the two companies were negotiating a new contract recently, Mr. Jobs pushed for price discounts that I.B.M. refused to offer. For I.B.M., "the economics just didn't work," said one industry executive who was briefed on the negotiations. "And Apple is not so important a customer that you would take the financial hit to hold onto the relationship."

 もう少しApple寄りな見方としては、省電力・低温動作の可能なG5チップが実現しない以上、一番の売れ線であるPowerBook、iBook、Mac miniの進歩は、新しいIntelのPentium Mに委ねるしかないということかな。


 ところで、やっぱりx86ネイティブのOS Xだと、コードネームは虎より強いライオンになるのかな?(笑)


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